Katukina Cactus


Rapé katukina cactus is made with Murici ash, Mapacho, Sabiá and a variety of cactus called Dama da Noite (Lady of the Night, so called because it blooms at night).

Katukina Cactus is an unusual and surprising Rapé variety, remarkably aromatic, with diverse effects thanks to its unique composition.

The Lady of the Night acts on the crown chakra and stimulates the connection with the higher planes, strengthening intuition and understanding.

On the other hand, Murici ashes lead to grounding, harmonizing and balancing the base chakra.

Rapé Cactus reestablishes the connection of the energy meridian that passes through all the chakras, from the base to the crown, clearing it of blockages.

Helps harmonize and integrate the external with the internal. This variety strongly stimulates healing and helps to release the old and purify energy to receive the new.

The Katukinas recommend starting your relationship with this variety with small quantities and not using it too frequently. Rapé Cactus is best used after dark; Like the Lady of the Night herself, this is when she offers her full potential.

Katukina Cactus
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