Nukini 7 Stars
This powerful variety has an aroma of fruity and menthol tones, it is slightly masculine.
Xiti Nukini, Rapé master from his tribe, is the creator of this exquisite recipe. Its exact ingredients remain a tribal secret; These are known to be spirit-uplifting herbs, with deep cleansing properties on a spiritual level, powerfully pain-relieving on a physical level.
Buy Hape Nukini
-Properties and benefits: Indicated to raise the vibrational frequency and to perform energy cleansing, as well as to calm pain.
-Intensity: Strong
-Tribe: Crafted by the Nukini tribe
-Composition: Mapacho, Tsunu ash and other Amazonian medicinal plants.
-Size: 10 ml bottles (8 to 9 grams)
-Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity. Exclusive use for scientific, historical and ritualistic study.