Yawanawá Mulateiro

It is a very fine Rapé variety, with a strong initial sensation, loaded with energy, and tends to make your eyes water. The great amount of energy of the first moments is followed by a subtle and thought-free effect.

The Mulateiro tree is called the tree of youth and is full of magic and mysticism, widely recognized for its anti-aging, as well as anti-parasitic, properties. Its use in Rapé is associated with the firmness and concentration of the mind in spiritual work.


-Composition: It is made with ashes of the Mulateiro tree (Calycophyllum spruceanum), Amazonian tobacco, and other sacred medicinal plants of the Amazon. Dark gray, slightly brownish color.

-Tribe: Made by the Yawanawá tribe of Brazil.

-Size: 10 ml bottles (8 to 9 grams). Reusable glass container.

-Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity. Exclusive use for scientific and historical study.


Yawanawá tribe

The Yawanawá are known as “the swordsmen” as they have always fought, even in difficult times. At one point the tribe was almost extinct and only 300 people survived.

Today their tribe has grown, and their morals and knowledge have been conserved in an extremely strict way, with their work they develop a new model of sustainability that allows the Yawanawá to protect the jungle and engage with the outside world on their own terms, without lose their cultural and spiritual identity.


Chica indígena de la tribu Yawanawá