Yawanawá Esperança


Rapé Yawanawá Esperanza is a very feminine variety, with a stimulating effect thanks to its high proportion of ash. The ash used is from Tsunu, the favorite of the Yawanawá to make their Rapé.

The name of this snuff refers to Nova Esperança, the largest town of the Yawanawá. This village and its chief, Nixiwaká, have been a fundamental epicenter to strengthen the Yawanawá identity, bringing together elements of the history, tradition, customs and spirituality of its people, restoring their self-esteem and hope to build a new future together.


-Properties and benefits: Rapé Yawanawá Esperanza strengthens spiritual work, provides concentration and focus for the mind, has relaxing properties, dispels fatigue and provides a good mood.

-Intensity: Strong

-Ashes: Tsunu

-Tribe: Made by the Yawanawá tribe of Brazil.

-Size: 10 ml bottles (8 to 9 grams)

-Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity. Exclusive use for scientific, historical and ritualistic study.

Yawanawá Esperança
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