Ceremonial Cacao Arhuaca Tribe, Colombia


Ceremonial cocoa, 100% pure raw organic, handcrafted by the Arhuaco tribe, following the ancestral method.

The cocoa grown by the Arhuacos is classified as one of the best in the world for its flavor, aroma, excellent quality and unique characteristics.

The Arhuaca tribe of the Sierra Nevada in Colombia grows cocoa on their ancestral lands, as they have done for centuries. According to them, cocoa is the drink of the divine parents. It is part of the Arhuaca culture, whose families transmit the knowledge and teachings of their ancestors from generation to generation.

The cocoa beans are harvested by hand. They are then left to ferment, a transformation process in which the beans develop their characteristic chocolate aroma and flavor. Subsequently, the grains are dried in the sun.

Recipe: To prepare the ceremonial drink, add one ounce of cocoa to four ounces of water and mix well. You can add a little honey. This cocoa can also be used to make hot chocolate, smoothies or unsweetened chocolate.

Type: Granular

Origin: Arhuaca Tribe, Colombia

Ingredients: 100% pure ceremonial grade cocoa

Presentation: Cocoa Bar.

Net weight: 450 Gr.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Ceremonial Cacao Arhuaca Tribe, Colombia
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